Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan Traditional Art

Hello everyone! Hoping all of you are well! Today, I would like to share another artwork.

It's been a while since I've done traditional art because I am focusing more on digital art, so doing this again makes this a fresh experience for me.

The process:

  • As always, I am starting off with the outline to make sure the position of the eyes, nose, mouth, hair etc. are correct

  • I was kinda struggling at first, because doing digital art for a long time, you do have this kind of muscle memory for your tablet, for example, the undo action, I was tapping on my paper a few times to undo a mistake hahaha!

  • Now, to do the hair, I usually think of a candlelight shape for the super saiyan hair because it tends to go up to a single point, instead of looking like a firework.

Got to admit, though I was worried since super saiyan hair tends spike up a lot, I was running out of paper, my mistake for not putting it in the center.

  • Now for inking it! Well, just using a regular sign pen for this.

I got absorbed inking the line art so much that this is the only photo I took before finishing it.

  • Alright, looking good, now just to add the shadows/shadings and details.

And finished! Hope you like it and thanks for checking my post! Until next time!

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