Original Artwork: O'Dachi Warrior

August 23, 2022
Post No 15

I haven't drawn anything in more than two weeks already. I got preoccupied in the preparations for the school opening.
Last night, to relieve me of stress, I decided to draw again using Medibang Paint.

A few years ago, I drew a Samurai wielding an O'dachi or a great sword with a pencil on paper. I have also digitized that drawing and posted it online. I will repost those works as soon as I find them in my archive.

Last night, though, I decided to recreate that warrior.

The Warrior

I made a quick (or not-so-quick) sketch. I wanted to draw it with a more dynamic pose.
I came up with this.

Somehow, it looked like that he is struggling to lift his heavy o'dachi. I decided to make some changes and came up with this.

Though I added a motion trace (or whatever you call it) to show that he is swinging his o'dachi, it still looked like he his struggling.

Nevertheless, I uploaded it in Noise.cash under the ArtPark community ( https://noise.cash/post/1k8qrg30 )

This morning, I contemplated if I should just edit my work or create a new one. I decided to create a new one.

About thirty minutes after, I finished the sketch.

This version is just as dynamic as I wanted to appear. The o'dachi is lifted on his right, he is running and about to strike.

Painting the background

Then, I felt like painting the background.
I started with the ground. Then covered the ground with grass and bushes except for the path. I used the grass brushes that I created a few months ago, and the "bush" brush that I downloaded from the Medibang Paint server.

To complete the background, I painted a fiery sunset hue and some clouds.

I hope I can find some time to finish this tonight.

Thanks for reading

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