Who is "Jijisaur"? A Little Story of My Character

It's Jijisaur!

jijisaur icon.png

It is really anxious-some for me to meet people in the real world. I am not good at opening conversations because I feel like in a minute I open my mouth, I might spill awkward or weird stuff. Thank God for the virtual world. Usually, I do not make the first move to start a conversation because I am always thinking if I might bother them.

I did an introduction of who I am on this platform but that was me as Jiji. In this article, I will tell a little story of my character Jijisaur.



In sketch, I just think of a pose that is easy to draw. I tilted the head a little bit. Well, most of my art is in 3/4 portrait because I find it more interesting rather then the face up pose. It shows more character in 3/4 portraits. For this art, I just sketched out of muscle memory because I am so used to drawing my character. It has been my character or avatar for almost three years now.

I do not really want to spread my identity here because, ya know, peeps are judgy sometimes. Also, I treat privacy as a little gem. Also, being ingocnito feels like I am freed on a cage, so, I just decided to create a character instead. So I am hiding behind in this cute character, mehehe~

I am not new to being misinterpreted because of shyness. They thought that I am a snob and unapproachable, well in fact I am the most friendly, lol. I am kind of the opposite of Jijisaur who is a social magnet and outgoing.

Line Art


I lowered the opacity of the sketch to trace the line art. I am using a flat brush. I used stabilizer too because ya girl is shaky. I cleaned some lines to make it cleaner.

Why the name Jijisaur? So my real name is "secret, secret". My name has a syllable of "Ji", and my close friends and family call me Jiji. While thinking of a name, I stumbled to a picture of a cute pink dinosaur. I combined the words, and tadaaa~ Jijisaur was born!

Flat Color


For the flat colors, I used the color picker to immitate the colors from the chibi character. For shortcut, press the Alt key and point to the color. I chose the color blue to complement the color pink. I simply put pattern of hearts for the background.

What is the difference of Jijisaur and I? Jijisaur is on the innocent and proper side, haha! She is just on the surface of things, not yet ready to face the real world. That is why she will stay here probably forever. She is the carefree child inside of Jiji. No worries or troubles to ponder. Life here is a breeze, nothing serious at all. Nothings matter because eventually, we are all going to die, lol. Kidding.

Shading, Details, and Final Art


For the shading, again I just used the flat brush, except for the eyes, I used airbursh. I also used multiply for some parts for opacity. I put blush using airbrush like the chibi character. These small details put big impact in the overall art. So, small things are not always bad.

Tadaa~ I am done with the art and shared a little story of Jijisaur. I might create a boyfriend for Jijisaur, lol. At least I have a boyfriend in the virtual world, haha!

Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

That is it for this article. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart

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