FreeHand Sketch of a Curly Brown Hair Girl.

Today is another day for me to share another artwork by yours truly, Ish the sketcher. LOL šŸ˜†šŸ˜…. Anyways how are you guys? December is near coming, the time runs so fast nowadays. Today's Art Blog is another old art that I want to share that I made in 2020.

Story of The Art

Way back in 2020, I was in my last romantic relationship with my last Ex-Girlfriend who has this kind of curly hair, I showed this sketch work to her and I said "While I'm doing this sketch It reminds me of you" Sheeeeesh! šŸ˜†šŸ˜…. Honestly, that year in 2020 was the time I started to practice my Art Style, Sketching, and Freehand Technique.


(Credits to the owner I just grab this picture on Facebook before)

I really made the sketch of this girl or woman just to practice and not to impress my Ex-Girlfriend but I did 2 sketches and 1 portrait of her which was my Birthday gift to her, Actually, somehow this sketch that I made it really looks like my Ex-Girlfriend. šŸ˜†šŸ˜…

Working Process

Again for the working process, it's just the sketching, detailing, and Line art.

Final Work

Materials and Tools I Used

ā€¢ Sketch Pad
ā€¢ Mechanical Pen
ā€¢ Gel Pen / Marker Pen
ā€¢ Ruler
ā€¢ Sketch Board

Ending Message
I'm happy to see these pictures of the work in progress because I noticed that the two mechanical pens that I used to make this artwork are the same mech pens that I'm still using today, so it's been almost 4 years. And about my Inktober entry for day 17, I'm still in the Working process like 85% completed it's just I don't have much time to draw daily because I only have one body to play all the NFT games that I invested so I need to bag a lot before the new rally of bull run next year.

So Yeah! I think that's it for this art blog I hope you like this sketch work and see you on the next one. Ciao!



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