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Sour Pressure - Inktober days 9 and 11


The mother of all conspiracy theories.

There is and never has been a perfect housewife. The kind that magazines from the 40's to 60's until this day have been telling about and glorifying. They simply do not exists. If a perfect house wife with a perfect hair, figure, clothes, obeying children, always on time with perfect food is not a total basket case and an alcoholic, perhaps some drug addiction going on there too, the perfect housewife has to be a robot.

A robot built and invented by worldwide magazine Illuminati to sell magazines to house wives all over the world so that ordinary wives can see all their flaws compared to a perfect house wife robot, a tireless machine that never sleeps and has only one goal; to please everyone else and ignore their own needs and wants. To settle for cooking and cleaning although brain could be solving mind blowing mathematical equations. To make family happy and carry on with only occasional thank yous although their heart would crave for proper recognition; pile of money and a Nobel price.

Actually it's not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact.

So consider yourself warned. Some day. Some wonderfully warm and sunny day. Your perfect house wife has left the building. And there's only a note on the fridge that says:

"Made macaroni and cheese for you for the rest of your life. It's in the freezer. Went out to invent and grow a new planet."

And that's only the best case scenario. Your perfect house wife could also unplug the freezer. Or stuck you in it and put it on quick freeze. You with your mother. Along with that co-worker of yours who you so often have to work overtime with.

And then they could use that perfect brain of theirs and become your boss. Or your president! Or the master of the universe!

Did I get all the stereotypical house wife issues here or what?!

Here are the almost but not quite done stages.

I had a second topic too.

This is the same house wife, after world domination, showing their true identity, a robot on the inside, vicious and cruel killer on the outside, feeling pressure on not killing their opponent because they promised to play by the rules and the rules clearly say that in the case of large sums of money, bluffing, loosing or winning, you shall not kill your opponent and after the game you have to give them two days head start before you begin to hunt them down.