Sketchbook 024 - 'Feed The Void' - Coffee, Ink and Gel on Paper

Hello and happy Monday!

About half a year ago, I set another one of those almost unreachable goals for myself. While what I hoped to achieve wasn't technically impossible, I was set on having the situation play out in a certain way, to me, anything else would be too easy and it basically wouldn't count.

Last week I finally had things play out more or less exactly how I wanted them to play out, with the end result being a bit more and than I had hoped for.
Here is how this all relates to the title of this post and the accompanying drawing...

For less than half a day I was over the moon, celebrating this little success. always, I soon started thinking about my next step. Achieving the goal suddenly didn't feel like enough, at all. There had to be more, some bigger goal, something even more difficult to achieve.

I of course realize how dangerous this type of thinking can be, and while pondering all of these thoughts, I decided to express them in the usual drawing a thing!

The little bit on the side, which I translated to Latin using Google Translate reads:

The sun,
the moon,
and the stars

Give them all to me
...and still I cry:
I need more! fill the eternal void

Yes, it is all rather dramatic, but there's no room to be wishy-washy when making art. I like intensity and fire in all things.

A lot of the imagery in this is quite obvious I think, especially paired with the little bit on the side. The empty eyed figure is reaching to the skies, its mind and hands on fire with a drive to obtain more, all the while completely missing the blessings and dreams pouring through its fingers and disappearing into the emptiness that consumes it. Fun stuff haha.

I do think feeling this way at times serves me well, when carefully managed. (damn straight I am already pursuing the next even more impossible goal, and planning on achieving it, hopefully in less time.) The main thing is to occasionally look back and appreciate the things you already have and have achieved.

Well, hopefully my little musings and doodles were entertaining!

Till next time, stay weird and creative!

Credit - All photos, work and the clumsy collection of words, are my own.
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