Sketchbook 021 - Moustache Angel (Full Process Video)

Greetings and happy Sunday!

Well here we go again with another drawing post. I am tired as hell and sort of wishing it was last Sunday, that was a good day! (Not that this one is bad, but wow, the lack of proper sleep is starting to get annoying.)

This drawing was simple enough, I mainly created in part as a concept piece for a decent on I plan on doing for a friend. I also figured it might be a fun idea to do a little video on the process for drawing it. On weekends I do not own myself or my time, so I had to settle for taking photos of the drawing every few seconds and then editing it all together into one video. (My setup for recording videos isn't very portable and I had to be constantly moving between up and downstairs)

It took about 4 hours to complete the drawing, 124 images to make the video, which is 48 seconds long, so all in all, time well wasted.

Well, that's it for today, hungry people are waiting and I am the only one who cooks so it wouldn't be very nice of me to starve them for much longer! Hope this was entertaining at least, it was definitely fun to make.

Till next time, good vibes and love, always!

Credit - All the stuff and things in this post belong to me
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