The dog Milo ❤️


Milo is painted with a lot of love and happiness
It was first created with a pencil when sketching and then switched to Black and brown charcoal which are very dirty but nevertheless its author does not give up on creating life in it.
now I will introduce you to the whole process of this cute little innocent smiling creature who greets you with a smile

The first step is sketching which I decided to do with a pencil as I wasn't sure if to risk straight with Charcoal which is very hard to rub afterwards



I was convinced that the picture will always change during the painting process and it is never what it was in the beginning, although I personally was a little angry with the start of this picture

Second step shaping structure and proportions with different pencils like HB B2 X4 I like to draw with any kind of pencils but I prefer hard pencils






And here comes the interesting part in which the stain can not escape youCharcoal is a technique that leaves traces on you and everything around you, but the effect it gives to the work is amazing, really only at the end of the picture it should be glossy if you do not want to stain every time it touches if you do not put in a frame and here is a masterpiece

Third step is the bold application of charcoal that does not want to get so dirty or left without a manicure because it is difficult to get out it is good to put precautions such as gloves
The next stage of the picture is the application of charcoal by rubbing with your fingers for greater effect
some other detail can be transmitted by rubbing a bread rubber
the tire must be specially adapted for this type of equipment because if it is an ordinary tire nothing will be erased from the picture
fine details are created with this type of tires





And behold it is finished and ready for its owner
Thank you for your attention
sincerely your Janis

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