The Devil XV - Original tarot card design.

today I come with the design of the devil, these types of drawings make my creativity flow although not as much as before, the characters that I could create before in 1 day, today it takes me more time, although it is also due to headaches back that don't let me concentrate as well as I should.

The devil card is Card XV of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This archetype is associated with human suffering, debauchery and vices and can be a harbinger of misfortunes but also of inner demons, which boycott spiritual development and the full expression of the personality.

Arcane: XV
Zodiacal Affinity: Capricorn
Keywords: Materialism, slavery, limitation, deception, manipulation, temptation, living a lie, negative energy, bitterness, anger, frustration, self-sabotage.
Key Expressions: Greed or desire for absolute power, ignorance within a professional or emotional relationship, unconscious or childish reactions, self-imposed bondage, being trapped in addictive behavior patterns, being obsessed, negative thinking, limited viewpoints, generalization, manipulation by part of others. need to recognize one's own limitations, to live according to the expectations of others.
Tip: It can be free. Take control of your life.
Reversed Meaning: The Card's limitations may seem severe, but it is capable of breaking ties that are not beneficial.





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