WHAT DO YOU SEE (Therapeutic Abstract Mind Painting)

It’s summer. Today I went to Art World. In Art World, I saw many art materials. So I bought few art materials to practice my Therapeutic Abstract Mind Painting.
While painting,my colleagues were admiring my artwork and commenting, Some said they see rabbit, some said Dog head, some said they saw 🦆 Duck..

And while I was painting I could only imagining seeing octopus.
Probably it's because i heard about an article published in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology that octopuses might be from outer space. 33 respected scientists, in all seriousness, came together and said the octopus may be an alien species that came here from another planet. Needless to say, it was a controversial study. But doesn’t it warrant at least some sort of discussion?
In truth, octopuses are a very unusual species. Not just because they have eight legs either; octopuses change color with their mood, have no vertebrae, can taste with their tentacles, and are impressively smart. These funky creatures are pretty other-worldly if you think about it.

In conclusion since everyone were reading different imagery meaning to the abstract painting. I decided to title it "What do you see

Below are my progress shot and PROOF OF OWNERSHIP .





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