Digital Scribbling: My Colored Piece of the Joker 🃏

joker phoenix6.png

"How about another Joke Murray, what do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?
I'll tell you what you get, you get what you fucking deserve."

These are perhaps my favorite lines from my favorite scene in the Joker movie that starred Joaquin Phoenix.
I also made an effort to add a clip of it from YouTube, here you have it...

Making this piece wasn't at all easy, even though the reference was straightforward. This was perhaps the first multi colored scribble piece I did and I must say that it turned out quite better than I expected.

The performance of Joaquin Phoenix in this movie is priceless and to think how true what he's saying is is quite scary. We need really need to check the system and promote humanity and equality above racism, nepotism, selfish ambition. Life is short, really short and you only go through each moment once, please don't spend it hating or thinking of things you don't have or problems you can't solve. Live a little.

Why So Serious?

joker phoenix6.png

These are the drawing procedures..
joker phoenix.png

joker phoenix1.png

joker phoenix2.png

joker phoenix3.png

joker phoenix4.png

joker phoenix6.png

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