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Jason Statham- Drawing pen


Saludos amigos,les vengo a compartir mi dibujo del día,esta vez se trata aserca del Actor británico Jason Statham ,muchos lo conocerán,por su participación en la película del transportador Frank Martín,y en la película de rápido y furioso.

Greetings friends, I come to share my drawing of the day, this time it is about the British actor Jason Statham, many will know him for his participation in the movie of the transporter Frank Martin, and in the movie Fast and Furious.

Comencé dibujando el rostro ,del actor jason para luego pasar dibujando sus ojos con trazados semicirculares con el bolígrafo.

I started drawing the face of the actor Jason and then I started drawing his eyes with semicircular strokes with the pen.

Luego seguí sombreando poco a poco el rostro del actor jason,con trazados laterales con el bolígrafo fui sombreando su rostro poco a poco.

Then I continued shading little by little the face of the actor Jason, with lateral strokes with the pen I was shading his face little by little.

Luego seguí pase dibujando su traje y aplicando mayor prisión a los Trazados fui dibujando su traje poco a poco.

Y listo asi quedo mi dibujo :)

Then I continued drawing his suit and applying more prison to the strokes I was drawing his suit little by little.

And that's how my drawing would look like :)


Gracias por ver y apreciar mis dibujos.

Thank you for viewing and appreciating my drawings.

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