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Digital art_2022. Oops!..

Hi friends!

I drew this funny picture for a contest in the LJ community.
It was necessary to write a fairy tale or make a drawing according to given words.
I got the words: calendar, crocodile, polar bear, sand, cocoa and palm tree.
From this set came such a funny story with a suddenly revived calendar!)))

Sketch in Paint Tool SAI 2

Сhose a color palette

I want the calendar bear to contrast in color with the crocodile's environment

I turn off the sketch layer and start drawing objects

Decided to change the position of the crocodile to make the composition more complete

Drawing a details

The Crocodile and a cocoa

The Polar bear from the calendar

Ready art

I hope you smile as you watch this funny scene.

Have a nice and positive winter day!

