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Art Journal: Peaceful Lake Painting

Hello Hiver friends, A blissful monday, welcome to my art blog! Today I decided to paint a peaceful lake with acrylic medium. Just being in a lake it brings stillness to our soul.

Brushes: Flat brush, round brush filbert brush and liner brush.
Acrylic Paints: Ultramarine blue, titanium white, black, burnt sienna, yellow ochre and lemon yellow.

• Paint the background with blue and white and blend them together using flat brush.
• For the middleground with the use of filbert brush, I used grass green mixed with a small amount of black with the highlights of yellow and yellow ochre.
• Mixed blue and white for the water, to be more realistic put reflection on the water. I used flat brush in creating calm water.
• Paint the trees using black and burnt sienna, with the use of filbert brush I painted the leaves, the highlight color are lemon yellow and yellow ochre with the small amount of white. The highlights of the tee trunks I used white color.
• For the final touch using liner brush, put some limbs on the trees and also water lines.

Step: 1

Step: 2


Step: 4

Step: 5I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for stopping by!
Happy Painting!😀
