Art Journal: Original Misty Morning View | Acrylic Painting šŸŽØšŸ–Œļø

Greetings Hiver friends, How are you there? I am glad to share with you the new acrylic painting that I have painted today. This is my original painting composition of Misty Morning View.
In this post, you will learn the basic process of how to paint a lovely landscape.

I used three types of painting brushes and eight colors of acrylic paint for this art. And it took me one hour and twenty minutes to finish this artwork.

Materials Needed:
šŸ‘‰ Acrylic paper pad
šŸ‘‰ Pencil and eraser
šŸ‘‰ Ruler
šŸ‘‰ Clean Water
šŸ‘‰ Rag
šŸ‘‰ Paper napkin

šŸ‘‰ Flat Brush /small #10, 10/32 / 8.0mm
šŸ‘‰ Liner Brush #2 / 2/32" / 1.6mm
šŸ‘‰ Filbert brush

Acrylic Paint:
šŸ‘‰ Titanium white
šŸ‘‰ Ultramarine blue
šŸ‘‰ Mars black
šŸ‘‰ Grass green
šŸ‘‰ Green mid
šŸ‘‰ Lemon yellow
šŸ‘‰ Yellow ochre
šŸ‘‰ Magenta

Outlined before starting painting.
Sky: White and ultramarine blue, blend them and create a misty sky.
Brush: Flat brush
Green mid, white, and some yellow,
Painted beautiful textures of distant trees and bushes. The subjects are less in detail.
Brush: Filbert brush

Closer tree leaves: Grass green, green mid, and black.
Highlights: Yellow, white, yellow ochre, and a small amount of magenta.
Brush: Filbert brush
Landscape/Grass: Grass green, green mid, yellow, magenta, and white
Brush: Fan brush
Water: grass green, green mid and white.
Brush: Flat brush
Extra detail using a liner brush, creating grass, tree limbs, and water lines.


This is the final and finished painting.

That's all for today, I hope you like this post, and thank you for stopping by!
God bless Hiver friends.
Happy Painting!šŸ˜€

Thanks a lot, to those who always
supported my art.


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