Splinterlands art contest week #257 (Magi necrosi)

For my entry this week the character im drawing is called (Magi Necrosi)

So the character is pretty much cover in a hood and has this dark aura yet his eyes are glowy and in his hands we see flaring red glowy bubbles .

So i kinda kept those details in mind and made a sketch on a rough paper first . Then i converted it into a clean line art on an Android app called Medibang paint pro . I personally always keep every element of the lineart on different layers its easy to paint the lineart this way.

The next step was to add flat colors and for the clothes i used a warm green color and added a dull red to the gloves made his skin like a shadow and his eyes a mint color .

Next i added a gradient background to him . I wanted a starry night with clouds behind him so i added the stars too.
Now i added some clouds in the back too with a cloud brush and started shading his clothes and gloves with a water color wet brush . I added a darker shade to the edges of the glove and guassian blurred it this gives it a more shaded look . Similarly i did all the shading on his clothes too . I also duplicated the layer of his eyes and set the layer on add and guassian blurred it , this gives a glowy effect to the eyes .
After this i colored the lineart

Now for the glowy bubbles i drew red wobbly spots on the top most layer and set it on over lay in layer blending mode duplicated the layer

and again set it on divide and slightly picked it up to the side and lowered its opacity this way it gave more of that rgb filter effect .

And here is the final result after some color adjustments.

Hope you liked it .

Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️

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