Inktober Day (15-20)

Inktober is an Inking Art challenge that many artist attempt in the month of October and here are my Entries from Day (15 - 20)

Day 15 "Dagger"

For this Prompts i just looked up a refrence and sketch something similar to that. I wish i could keep one with me in my side pouch just like a victorian woman .

Day 16 "Angel"

So for this prompt i sketched a more biblical version of angel with a Angel description we see in literature .

Day 17 "Demon"

For this prompt i actually have sketched my own demon . So these are the creepy expressions i see people doing in my nightmares

Day 18 " Saddle"

For this one i looked up a saddle and just drew it . I just added some pattern and shading to it .

Day 19 "Plump"

For this Prompt i drew a set of plump luscious lips that have gloss on them.

Day 20 "Frost"

For this Prompt i just Sketched a girl holding snow flakes in her hands . More of a frost witch.

Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️.

Did you Attempt this Challenge too? Comment down below 👇

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