Winter house. Inktense paint sketch.

Happy Sunday friends,

It was a lazy and slow day for me. I woke up pretty late and decided to do some art. I like drawing houses sometimes, so that’s what I was practicing with today. I used Inktense paints, I think after trying them for the second time, I like more traditional watercolors. Using Inktense paints is very challenging for me, it gets soaked in the paper right away, without letting me blend it. I need to read more about this material, maybe it requires a different kind of paper. I was using watercolor paper this time.


Materials used.

Regular pencil

Pink Eraser

Watercolor paper

Medium size and small round brush

Inktense paints

Micron black liner


  • I began drawing a sketch with a pencil.


Right in the middle of my work I got some food delivered. Thanks to my husband, today I didn’t have to cook. Panera bread’s soup is always good. The coolest thing about it for me that kids love their soups. I wish they kept making Pumkin soup all year around, but Minestrone is also good.


  • Here the pencil sketch is finished.


  • Now, I begin painting the sky with ultramarine. There are a few white spots, I noticed later. They are from a previous age where I was making some snow effects in the past.


  • Next, I colored the walls with ochre yellow, and brown, and the bushes with plum color, and a little bit of the fence.


  • In this step, I painted the windows with a mixture of black and blue, and the roof with a mixture of red and ochre yellow.


  • This is a last step, where I trace my painting with the black liner. I make the closer lines thicker and further lines thiner. I also added a tree branch in front of the scene like if the observer is looking at the house behind the tree.


Here is the result.

I’m not sure if I like it or not, but I’m happy I practiced today some, because yesterday was too busy. That made me feel like something was missing. Generally I try to do art practice every day, I like experimenting with different materials. I think that drawing is like any other activity needs exercising on a regular basis.


I hope you enjoyed the process photos.

DeviceIPhone 12 Pro
ThemeInktense paint sketch
ObjectWinter house
Captured by@artmom

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