A Sudden Craving to Create

Hey Artistic souls👋!
Hope you're all doing very well💫.
This week was quite hectic for me because one of my nieces was hospitalised for over a week. I recently joined ecency and also could not write more than an introductory blog.
But I here I'm now, back again!

So What I Created?

My parents left home alone so that i could study easily, because it was not possible in the presence of my elder niece😅.
I wanted to study but a ghazal of Ahmed Mushtaq was constantly echoing in my head, which I had heard on Instagram in the voice of Zia Muhi-u-din. And to my surprise I had knew all the verses(because I had seen the video just for once).
After grinding it well in my head, the imagery that came to mind wanted to be manifested through brush strokes. So I just put the books aside gathered everything and started to paint.
You guys might be aware of the fact that, it is relatively easy to imagine than to draw from imagination. So I at first regreted doing it but then I did what we always do; trusted the process and kept on going. I was also filming side by side and taking pictures to post on Instagram and eceny ( which the process a bit more difficult).

At first i sketched it with pencil(obviously 😅)

Then i outlined it with pointers. It's becoming my favourite thing, these pointers are smug free and water resistant, so they give best results.

Then started colouring (also added some pots for flowers on the way)

Here I was finished colouring and trimmed the edges to fit it in my journal. (⚠️Please ignore the mess😁)

Poetry and painting were supposed to be on the same page, but painting ended up being only the thing on one page.

I wrote poetry at the other but it still looked empty.

Then comes the idea of finally using the flowers which I have been collecting whole summer. (Will show you guys all of them, maybe next time)

Okay that was all. I hope you guys liked what I did instead of studying 😀. Was it worth doing?

Here I uploaded videos of the process, would be nice of you to check them out and interact with the posts!🦋💫



See you guys next time!
Bye-bye 👋

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