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Decorating Your Man Cave

What's up guys, I'm new to the community, but not HIVE. I found this place via @Enforcer48 and thought I might do some contributing.

I'm a man who lives bi-coastal, Tokyo-California. Not really by choice, but necessity. Sometimes it's cool, sometimes it's fucking horrible like being away from your family, but we all make sacrifices so our children can have better lives than ourselves.

Anyway, as many of you probably know Japan is a whacky place. There are all kinds of weird shit there that we don't have in the States. One of those weird things that I like to check out are the "Gotcha" capsule machines. I'm always amazed at the shit they sell in them. I used to think, Who buys these things? Then I did, again and again and again. It's hard not to fall victim to their offerings and here is where we will really start this post. Enter sniper sparrows.

Because why not?

There are 6 sniper sparrows in total, 3 teams, 1 shooter and 1 spotter. I have no idea who or how they came up with these, but tell me these would not be a cool addition to your man cave? They cost $3 ea. and unfortunately they came out just before I left to go back to Cali so I forgot to get one. But, I put the order for one in with my son so hopefully he'll snag one for me.

If killer sparrows aren't your thing how about the pondering life series with vegetables or Crayon Shinchan?

I've seen a few more varieties of these, especially thanks to my wife, so they must be a popular series.

And for you weird bastards, how about a construction site porta-potty? American or Asian squatty style.

You can also pick up a Roomba if you make a mess with the porta-potty.....

If gotcha's aren't your thing never fear, Japan has something for everyone, even rich Star Wars geeks. These Darth Vader Samurai were on sale a few years ago.

That'll set you back about $3,500. The cheaper one below is only $1,500.

Tell me those wouldn't be bad ass decorations in your man cave?

Mine is a work in progress....

Someday to be crowned by Imperial Samurai Vader.

That's it for now. I'll be back next time with some other cool shit from Japan for ya. Until then, Yoroshikuuuuuu!!!