Introducing My Next Adventure: BRO SILVER

Okay, so I wanted to go with the name Profitium or something far less cheesy than BRO SILVER, but the reason I chose this name is because some of the profits from these takings will be fed straight back in to boosting the Brofund. Either way, that makes the initial coin BRO the big daddy of the coins. It can be the gold, this coin will be the silver. Makes sense, doesn't it?


A lot of you will know that by now I created a very successful project called the man cave. We pay our investors 70% of what we mint daily, and we've experienced almost 350% growth to date. That being said we've hit a small lull where everything is ticking over nicely and I've found out I've nothing more to do.

So I had an idea. I was going to take my efforts to the mainstream and see if I can capitalise on that whilst using our back up cryptocurrency to fund this. I liked the idea, but I didn't like that I was going to be taking away from the fund. I'm terribly focused on growth there, so much so that I don't like to take much out from it unless I know I'll get it back, or earn more.

So I had another idea. Why don't I create a coin that will fund my mainstream expedition for the next half year and reward holders with the profits from my endeavours. I thought this an amazing idea because it's a good way to grow our fund faster, reward people for investing in me, and also grow our silver coin's wealth at the same time.

Sounds good, huh?

So, how will it work?

Okay, so, for the next half year whilst Brofund is experiencing tremendous growth I want to be focused on smashing it out in the mainstream world. Right now I have started three websites and I'm currently on my fourth. Different niches, and different audiences. Don't worry about me spreading myself too thin because most of this is done on auto pilot and I can easily find someone to freelance for me if I ever feel like it's getting too much for me.

The idea is simple:

Use my Internet marketing, Website Building, People Understanding & sheer determination and grit to power home the profits.

Like I say, for the first 6 months or so it's going to be tumbleweed. Building a reputable website with followers, readers and people that are willing to buy from you takes a lot of time. But we'll get there. It's not something that's just easy to do with sitting on your arse eating snacks all day. I already have three - and I'm just about to order another one.

Why am I doing this? Well, everything that we get in profits will be directly funnelled into crypto. I want to be prime positioned when the time comes for the mainstream to be in full adoption, and that time is coming. Maybe not this year, but it's coming. And I want to be in the front row.

Bro Silver? Oh, yeah, the most important part. Let's talk numbers.

Okay guys. I'm going to put out 200,000 @ 2 hive each. That will be the total cap I will mint forever. To be clear I don't plan to sell anywhere near that higher cap, it is just so that everyone has a chance to buy in.

Whatever I make will be cashed out and put into the internet marketing process. Whether that is buying websites, paying for ads, making information products, or hiring staff. It'll all be going off chain. I'll be honest with that, and I know that will make some of you nervous. But, I'm willing to screenshot the bulk of the money wherever it is at any given time (and the receipts for what I have bought, or used if investors so wish)

So it'll be dry for about 6 months. You will buy, and you will forget about it for about 6 months. I am giving you a longer period than I expect just so you aren't disappointed. I hope to start seeing rewards for my work at the three month mark. BUT. You know, always better being on the safe side.

So, tokenomics in brief:

  • 200,000 @ 2 Hive each
  • Whatever ISN'T sold will go straight to burn when profits start rolling in. If only 10 people buy @ 10 hive each then hard cap will be 10. And if I'm earning $5,000 per month? Then that will probably be the best investment EVER for 10 lucky people. I will be going ahead with this whether we sell lots or not.
  • I will only be able to ever own 10% of the total market cap. so if 200,000 are sold, I can only own maximum 20,000. If only 10 are sold, I can only own maximum 1.
  • Bro Silver will be divided into four parts. 10% profits to @brofund, 30% profits to me, 40% to investors, and 20% to coin growth. If I earn $1000 in one month, that will be: $100 to brofund, $300 to me, $400 in dividends to investors, and $100 to coin growth.
  • Payouts when started will be once monthly

And that's it for now. I'll keep you updated on the @raymondspeaks blog on how we're doing, what we have, and where we're going next.

You will be able to buy BRO-AG here: from tomorrow after 7am GMT.

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