RE: "End of the Road" for @roleerob?

It's very unfortunate to read this. Your content is solely your own and has your unique voice all over it - I could recognize your writing without seeing your name! The fact that HiveWatchers and co. can choose to target someone like you is simply unfathomable and despicable. Whatever good they may have done in the past... the scales have greatly tipped over to the other side. Not to mention, it's largely run by one person who loves having this power, and completely lacks empathy for other people as evidenced by my interactions with them. No one person should have so much power to destroy others on this blockchain.

I do hope that you "proof of life" comments will be frequent, as you definitely do provide value here. By the majority, you are appreciated.

Edit: I just saw you mention below that it was on behalf of someone else that you saw was downvoted that you're resigning. The sentiment does remain the same.

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