You know the tools - have you implemented them yet?

Get up early.

Do Push ups.

I guess its that easy. Are you doing it?

What if I told you that the secret to the whole universe was getting yourself under control? Using some basic techniques to discipline your mind and body, gain control over your basic machinery, then put it to good use getting your goals achieved.

It all starts with discipline.

Corinthians 9 says:


Replace bad habits with good habits. Make those good habits your tools, they are hard at first, then it becomes easy, then you have a 'habitual win' every day. You know this and I know this!

Are you doing it?

I have been well trained, I think back over my youth and teen years, into early twenties, and I had a lot of great opportunities to be mentored, taught the secrets to the universe. I read a lot of great books. I learned and understood a lot of things, that many people might take a lifetime to learn, or not learn at all (and suffer for it).

But understanding isn't enough, I can see that now and I got a reminder from a messenger recently, 'knowing something' is not the same as 'doing something'.

Knowledge is Power - France is Bacon


Knowing is good, don't get me wrong. But the 'power' comes from applied knowledge - putting the knowledge into practice to ACHIEVE - achieve goals, achieve 'success', achieve change. Transmute this reality into a future that is different in the way you can imagine - this is real power, and yes it comes from knowledge - but knowledge is not enough. Mere knowing is not power.

Do you know about goal setting?

Oh yes yes, I know all about that!

Do you set goals?

Well, I haven't in a while....

Does this sound familiar? Consider this a wake up call! Take control of your mind and body, set some goals, make some new habits, achieve those goals, and move on to bigger and better things with your new found power!

Stop resting on your understanding and DO IT!

I, for example, have been very good at setting goals for over the last 15 years. I have been less good at 'reading them every morning and every night', as the clear and simple instruction manual told me to. Still, I have had some moderately good success in my life.

Now I wonder - how amazing would I be if I had followed all the instructions instead of just half?

Starting today

Well, yesterday really, but starting today I am implementing a morning routine, listed at the beginning of this post, every day. I will do the following:

Wake up early

Today I did 5:45 and it already felt late. But I will keep this up and see if I want to make it 5:30 later. When you wake up early you get more done, its that simple. You also help your body to get tired sooner to be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour at the end of the day. It can take some time to get into a rhythm. If this is the case, consider not sleeping for one night and going to bed early the second night.


I have been reading some things, watching some videos, I feel like I have 'conceptually understood' meditation for a while now. There is a sitting down kind. There is also 'standing meditation'. I have been working on adding standing meditation (Wu Ji) into my life for over a year - but without a morning routine, its been hit or miss. I will be better, the things I do every day I get better at - naturally.

Push ups

Today I actually did 20 push ups fresh out of bed, 25 after Wu Ji meditation, and 25 after some seated meditation. I'm slowly working my numbers up. PUSH - UP


I have HIVE as a tool, but I don't want to become a guru blogger, I have many things I need to write for 'work' aka 'life' and all the goals I have set. I need to write letters, I have an outline for a book, I need to update my permaculture diploma, I need to document projects. I am not committing myself to one type of writing, or even 'blogging', but I will be writing each morning, and if its appropriate for HIVE, I will publish it.

I might publish it anyway 😅

Conquer tasks each day

After that, each day is different, but I will feel more motivated, knowing that my body (and mind) are coming under my control.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy with the progress I have made in this life so far. I love to be independent, a land owner, a entrepreneur, a job creator, an agroforester/landscaper, a sustainable development consultant. I love what I do. I am happy but I am not satisfied, I want to do it all even better.

And I can - I know the tools. I just have to put them into practice. It all starts with:

Wake up early, Meditate, Push ups, Write

And you can do it too. Its up to you - you are in charge, and you are not your mind, you are not your body. One fascinating line I have been repeating over and over - 'Don't believe everything you think'. I am not my thoughts - I'm the discerner that considers the thoughts that do arrive. I have a body, I am not my body.

Why is it that when playing a video game, a player will grind endless hours to 'level up their character', but we are somehow comfortable, in the most important game (LIFE) staying noobish lvl 2 characters, getting fat and lazy, letting days pass without learning anything new?


What's your morning routine? Let me know down in the comments. See you tomorrow :)

Freedom and Friendship

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