What about the money 🤔 Can you see what is happening yet?

I wonder if you can even see it. Human communication is hard. Take even someone like me, who has integrated writing hundreds of blogs each year into my life - if even I feel like I haven't fully articulated some of my ideas, I can't even imagine how frustrated mentally that people who don't write must feel.

But the things are happening. With the Money. The funny-money monkey-business is happening - HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY IT?

See that's the thing about crypto. Its all just a game, and from this new cryptographic vantage point, I have spotted my own seat at the table, and am now playing this global game of 4d chess. And holders of ECOBANK and INCOME, you guys are betting on me.

This is the article I wanted to talk about and around today, if I can back up far enough to ever get started:

'No immediate threat' - Translation: Please be slower than us

King Dollar

I told you all in the Q3 EcoBank update about my secret plan to go 'long emerging markets' by building up my position among a small, robust and likeable community within the Colombian Andes. And I am sure I have mentioned bits of this plan in different posts throughout the years.

Sure the dollar is expensive now, but not forever. And I'm not the only one who knows it.

According to Rounding the Earth, its part of a cyclical 'plan' that has been happening for centuries. Without debating if they can actually plan the cycle, I am convinced that those with generational money at least HEED THE CYCLE. If they didn't they wouldn't have it.


The West is going down

I really don't know what to say. It happened faster than I realized. I've been inviting you all to come live with me for years; you're going to wish you had been practicing spanish. But I am thinking that it will be rare for anyone to be actually fast enough.

Its hard for the american EGO to realize how far gone it is. Sure you had some good ideas, but easy times and weak men are now no match for reality.

I'm starting to think the Grey Champion will be coming out of Latin America; I would pick Petro, although he's not quite the right generation - This guy could fit the bill at 77:


Generational analysis is fun, but its just the superstructure of what is happening. The whole discipline has been very American-centric, especially since The US has dominated the last bit of history.

I think the whole experiment will fall apart as soon as the Cantillion-effect Super powers start diminishing. It will be slow until its What the hell just happened?

Wake up in a multi-polar world

In a world of fair weights and measures, where each of us is esteemed for what we can produce, what we can offer; What value is the US?

US does grow a lot of food.... But not enough to feed themselves.

US does have lot of jobs in the transportation sector (for now), but nothing they are shipping around is particularily American.

US does have a lot of jobs in the 'Health' Sector, because there are a lot of unhealthy people, its good business. But nowadays I use google to find out that the best place for liver transplants is Turkey.

The US was the land of ideas, they built websites and edited grandiose cinematic productions. Except now they outsource those things as well to India and others around the world.

US wages aren't going any higher

This is the kicker, and I'm sorry again, I'm just the messenger. Competent freelancers are earning good money doing programming, coding, development and a host of other tasks. We work in global, inter-replaceable teams now. I've been doing it for years.

The US cost of living in general is a weight around your neck and will be for decades. $1,000 dollars a month living expenses goes really far and still does in most places around the world. Earning $4000 just to pay rent puts US workers behind the curve in what's becoming the decentralized global workspace.

Inflation and the dollar death will try to mask this. Demand destruction (and other types of destruction) as well as mobility will seek to drive down the average costs of living in the US. But in nominal terms I am sticking my flag in the ground right now - labor will make no gains, until and unless it learns to do something special.

Energy is one solution, make sure to leave your lot wooded because you might want some firewood one of these winters.


I am sorry your

Empire is now dying; but

The world will not end

Trade your dollars for something else. Plan you efforts accordingly. The times, they are a-changin': A song composed during our recent Second Turning, it would make sense that it would rhyme.

Admit that the waters around you have grown.
Accept that soon you'll be drenched to the bone.
And you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone.

The times, they are a-chaingin'

Please heed the call.
Don't stand in the doorways, Don't block up the hall.
For he that gets hurt is he that has stalled.

The times, they are a-chaingin'

But what about the money?

To me it all comes back to this question, and there are many things to think on. If we are creating value, we are doing something virtuous. Stealing, and all its derivatives, are wrong.

And the enemy does wrong things.

Our freedom doesn't concern them. But unless we build an alternative power base, there is not much we can do either. We must stop depending on 'them' for our narrative. We must create a new narrative.

I have some ideas. But that's a subject for a different post.

Today I have reminded you to think about the money - especially your own money. This might be your last chance to reallocate before the fireworks....

Freedom and Friendship

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