The Philosophical Farmer - Eco's collection of philosophy writings

This collection is for my posts about Philosophy. It will be periodically updated with new inclusions, and in each section the articles go from oldest to newest. The selection of sections can be somewhat arbitrary at times, as I do not consider this when I write, and some posts may fit into more than one section even though I only classify them here into one.

The sections are:

  1. Personal Development
  2. Sustainable Development
  3. Farmer Philosopher
  4. Liberty and Information War
  5. Communication and Education
  6. Governance
  7. Crypto
  8. Musical

Personal Development

In this section read articles about about working hard to make yourself a better person.


















Sustainable Development

In this section read articles about sustainable development efforts, a triangular approach to win-win-win development through the environmental, social and economic branches.












Farmer Philosopher

In this section read articles that don't fit so well into other sections, but are generally important musings by your favorite philosopher farmer @ecoinstant.















Liberty and Information War

In this section read articles about how hard it is to know true information, and how much the oligarchy is working to stop you from knowing what is true.




















Communication and Education

In this section read articles about learning, communicating and the importance of participating in a world of humans.






In this section read articles about governance, whether on chain or off chain, and how we govern ourselves in groups. Much work has been done, and there is much work to do.










While much of my writing has a crypto-tilt to it, In this section read articles specifically about the technical financial revolution that is blockchain and its implications and consequences.







Sometimes we need music to express what we are thinking and feeling, and I am no exception. In this section read articles that include and depend on listening to songs and interpreting them.






Freedom and Friendship

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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