The future continues encroaching on the present

The future is coming. Its always one day ahead, and its always based on what we do today. Us humans have the divine power to visualize and work towards certain futures. And we are doing it. All around the world are people working towards improving their situation.

This is my narrative. Positive transformational improvement!

As we get to a certain age, we start to want independence, and this is true whether individual or national, this is an archetype as much for the individual as for a national identity.

Let's do an activity! Watch this video as if he was talking about right now and tell me what you think:

What we lack today is the type of leadership that made us a great nation

This might be a very American-centric historical example, even if they can hardly claim much of an 'American Heritage of Independence' at this point, at least at an institutional level. But a lot of that was communicated to me as a child. How independence and sovereignty was good, both at a national and individual level.

I think some of this is also Western Civilization; I get very rural 'independence' vibes from my neighbors down here in the mountains of Colombia.

But here is the paradox, can a country remain sovereign if the majority of its individuals don't?

Us, my friends, we need to focus on our own independence, our own sovereignty. Only through rapid individual renewal will we manage to keep the fires burning amongst the tumbling wreckage of our once great civilization. Only through individual strength will we manage to be the types of people to lead our communities through what is to come.

And 'this' can still be positive transformation. No one is saying it has to be negative. But do you know which side you are supporting, life or death?

So much is twisted today, there is a dire lack of a cohesive narrative that isn't being actively distorted by one or more powerful groups.

We do have good news though. Trump's big announcement is that he has and NFT set, and its for sale (all you need is an email!). This is better than some other announcement I think we can all agree, and shows that crypto is making never ending in-roads into the minds of normies even deep in the bear. Trump didn't have to mentions divs or defi, just buy this and be my fan and maybe zoom call or dinner with me.

A completely uncensorable way to fundraise. Boom. And of course, Trump didn't even have to know about anything crypto! The money finds a way - turns out NFTs is the new cool way to pay for $5000 dinners.

Innovation finds a way to continue, this is the human spirit. We need a new story, a heroic story of transformation and renewal. I doubt Trump NFTs is going to do the trick for more than a day.

As this year ends, as I do most years, I am looking at all the things that I do and figuring out which of them deserve my focus for next year. I like to take advantage of the end of the year spirit to do any needed mid-course correcting that I haven't managed to integrate during the span of the year.

This requires looking at the things I do and making an analysis of their impact in my overall time, energy and finances. As someone who is trying to implement future solutions, its maybe even more important to do this, since cutting-edge things are always in adjustment and a bit fluid.

Both INCOME and ECOBANK are a core part of my strategy, more on this in a future post. I likely need to lighten my load a bit on many of the tasks I do for other projects on behalf of my Synergy Fund work, because next year I am making time for ECOBANK. We are finalizing the deal to build out an admin suite on the property where I can stay and manage it. Should be a great year, I'll probably start an instagram account as well.

I have made some major moves with the ECOBANK finances recently, post about that coming soon. LABFUND and ARMERO are almost at the point of running on their own, LABFUND just got mentioned by @spinvest, I saw it on our Daily Curation Report.

I also have another promising side hustle that has made great progress so far, I haven't yet revealed here, but I likely will eventually, watch my blog for news that we are generating cash flow. :)

Continually shaping our futures forward

HIVE really is a tool in more ways than one in my life. Its funny that I can manage two main projects here, participate in many more, but also use the blog as therapy to commentate on society and philosophy and self-improvement.

There are many sides to these tools, and however they may transform in the future, this is the way.


Keep growing, keep building our lives - the tools are just tools, its what you do with them that matters. We need to create new visions and get behind good visions and keep building the better tomorrow, even if it will always be a day away.

Freedom and Friendship

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