Our ECOBANK lake house is getting an upgrade!

I headed up to the lake house yesterday only to find that our partner has been incredibly motivated with the new energy we are bringing to his project. He has started to build out a second private room on the lake with materials he is finding around town.


The base is almost complete, and he asked me to bring up my table saw today so he could saw some 100 year old wood he got on the cheap. Its funny, but this old wood is even better quality than any thing available 'new' on the market nowadays.


This is old growth Andean Walnut.

I will be headed up with the table saw in a few minutes here to do my part to help out getting our newest offering available to rent out as soon as possible.


Our partner has a knack for small-scale construction techniques, he knows the workers that he likes to work with and can make some good honest deals with them for the day labor.

Since we've been gone, they also installed an attraction in front of the other suite, a net hanging out over the lake.


This has become a popular amenity in some of the more touristed areas of Colombia, a space to lay out in the sun or just for a photo opportunity.


There is a lot of things to do, and I also have a number of posts pending, but it will probably be until this weekend before I can sit down and make any serious posts.

I have to hurry off now to get them this table saw so they don't run out of work to do!


For now, I can leave some of these daily updates for you all, to assure you that we are working hard, making progress and motivating a growing team of people with our ECOBANK project.

Check out all the updates here, and participate in the presale following these instructions until June 3rd. After that we will distribute the tokens and the hive-engine market will be live.

Freedom and Friendship

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