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I won't wear a mask and I won't get experimental gene therapy called 'vaccine'.

It's over. The only thing left is residual fear. Thinking people, please consider that you have been bamboozeled. Let's start with masks, which don't protect you from Covid.


Of course we knew this. Masks stop coughing people from sprayong sputum, not stop aerolsolized particles.from entering you airways. Masks are ineffective comfort blankets, and this is solid science. No statistical difference can be seen between areas that mandate masks and ones that don't.

Even famous virus and vaccine patent holder Anthony Fauci knows this, and reported it as earlymas February 2020.

Fauci's Patents, most notably making money from the global fight against HIV/AIDS since the 90's.

And how about this experimental gene therapy? I've already gone into great detail about why they are not vaccines. Vaccine is a word to make you 'trust' "science". Luckily I am actually literate, having learned to read and reason over the past 30 years. I can understand "science" and "statistics", and I can acutely detect bullshit. Here's a tip: 'Because science says so' is bullshit, because science is a process and it doesnt speak. Science, like statistics is being used to support weak, incorrect and even blatantly false claims.

Pandemic of the 'unvaccinated'

I think we've reached thethe hard edge of this push. Frankly, anyone who wanted a vaccine has probably gotten it. Those that don't are probably aware that these 'vaccines' have killed more people than all other (actual) vaccines in recorded history. In the US, official unpurged deaths In the Vaccine Adverse Events recording database say we are over 9 thousand deaths in the US from the vaccines.

Almost 2 months old:
Its over 15k in Europe.

Thrombosis, swelling hearts (miocarditis), miscarriges, this vaccine is serious stuff, especially if you really look carefully and realize that its more likely you will die from a car crash than from Covid. The delta variant might spread more easily, but to becomes less deadly. Just as predicted by french nobel prize winner at the beginning of this pandemic.

And if the vaccines worked, maybe we would be happy to have spike proteins accumulating in our ovaries and other sensitive areas like lymphnodes. Perhaps women reporting strange heavy periods would think its worth it. But, they actually don't.

Vaccinated people are getting covid more than unvaccinated people, Why else are the vacvinated wearing masks?

The CDC has stopped counting breakthrough infections unless they end up in the hospital. There is some evidence now that the vaccine wipes out the strong natural immunity gained from actually surviving the virus. This is the natural immunity that has pulled humans through hard times for millions of years.

I have some work to do to dig up all the data on why these experimental gene therapies are actually dangerous, but for today I am happy enough to announce loud and proud that I will not allow myself to be experimented on, no matter how afraid those in power want me to feel.

In fact, the scientific thing to do is have a control group, so my position is in reality the pro-science stance.

Freedom and Friendship