@ecobanker - TWO PAGER - hive4timber timeline and more details inside.

The idea behind @ecobanker projects has proven to be very popular, at least anecdotally! I think the excitement of actually using these technologies to 'get stuff done' is something we have all been waiting a long time for.

In this 'two pager' follow up of the original One Pager, we will talk about specific timelines for our hive4timber project, plus specific mechanisms we want to use for funding.


I was thrilled when seasoned blogger @taskmaster4450 made a video about Hive for Timber, and mentioned the idea, then contacted me on discord encouraging me to continue to publish information about the idea!

This for me was a great sign, that this relatively small project could turn into something bigger, as we grow the trust level and the capital base by increasing participation, possibilities and transparency in natural resource based investments.

The biggest question that came up was 'WHEN?'


In terms of crypto I would like to receive HIVE or LITECOIN. These two are the ones I am most comfortable with moving and converting, and have very low tx fees, in the case of HIVE its zero.

But 'WHEN'?

The very next thing I have to do, is to go with a friendly forestry engineer and survey the land ourselves. I am not accustomed to trusting the reports of what other people say are there, I will go and count the trees, survey the lot and sample the average diameters of the trees in question. All of the following timeline is assuming that our survey results match what is being reported to me, if the information is good, we move forward.

We hope to have this survey complete and analyzed by the 15th of December.

We would like to leave approximately 1 month open for the seed funding round, being finalized somewhere around January 15th. So far there seems to be great interest, and there is no space to oversubscribe, so it is possible we sell out before January 15th, I have currently confirmed 1300 dollars of funding, if you would like to confirm your interest in this project, contact me in Discord.

In January we will be signing the final deal on the tract, and in the second half of the month starting the work. The work is planned to last 7 months, but I like to build in buffers.

It will be my commitment to document all parts of the process as best I can, with accounting information and photographic evidence.

When does the money come back?

Right now we are looking at how to structure the token. I do not think we will be selling tokens, but instead issuing them to the interested parties. There is a lot to confirm here still, but so far, my favorite idea is as follows:

1 - issue tokens to investors.
2 - return principle to investors.
3 - return profits to the tokens.

This would allow investors to sell their potential profits on the market, and for speculators to buy into the project profits. It would also push any profits through the HIVE token.

If anyone has any ideas about this, please let me know.

Tentatively I am looking at an official timeline of principle returned by July, and all pertinent profits distributed by December. This should keep the timeline within the year 2021 for all accounting purposes.

All constructive comments welcome -

Freedom and Friendship!

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