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dCity DappRadar update - 'Hive Smart Contracts'

I am back with an update, our beloved dCity was denied for a faulty smart contract, so let's dive into yesterday's discussion about this poorly worded (and understood) field on our DappRadar application.

To remember why I used an 'Invalid Hive Account', we have to go back a few days to when I was applying for this on mobile.

This box specifically says not to use wallet addresses, which are our Hive accounts. Hive accounts can be used to for 'HIVE app' like a gambling dapp where you send the account money. But they certainly are not applicable to custom json games like dCity and Splinterlands.

I of course immediately assumed we would have to spoof it.

But @gerber correctly noted that the proper way to judge tx would be from engine jsons. I figured we should just send them the API links. ( from our fancy new dCity backend.

Scriptioner knows the answer, but since it doesn't make sense to me, and the api links didn't work, I ended up spoofing with a blockstamp.

So today I updated our application, using @dcitygame, @dcityrewards, @dcityapi, @dcity1, @dcity2 as our smart contracts. This isn't going to get us anywhere near total user actions, but could get us on the map either way.

They didn't 'call' me, as I assumed. The rejection was at least clear enough that it demanded HIVE names, but it came from '' so I can no longer assume talking to humans will be a part of this listing process. @gerber may be right that there might be some work to do to get the hive-engine protocol recognized by the dappradar team before we can ever hope for fair representation of our vital statistics.

I will keep you all up to date, HIVE projects are pushing forward on all fronts, we won't be left behind!

Freedom and Friendship