Connecting threads; stay ahead of the Hegelian conclusions.

China has the US's number, this is officially published now.

Now lets not make the 'Jane Fonda in Vietnam' mistake, just because one side is bad does not mean the other side is necessarily any good either. But China does seem to be a rational actor in the room, patiently documenting the US's history of misbehavior. Here is their conclusion:


Who is left to take this note seriously?

I will disabuse you of all Malthusian thinking. Purge it from your mind if you desire to be an effective human being.

Humans are value-adding as long as you train the humans right, that is, as long as they are trained to be human. This in the sense of creative force, having to do with the deep meaning of 'being made in the image and likeness of God'. Each one of us - this is the civilizing theory.

Let me let Matthew Crawford of Rounding the Earth shed some light.


With these definitions he lays out his view of our current predicament (that only a Regenerative Agriculture framework can solve.)


This is old news, background information, and he goes even deeper last year with even more great backlinks after another year of writing and working on this framework.

TL:DR - if YOU don't build the new world, it will be built for you.

(and you probably won't like it).

We need strong local action. Community building inside and outside of the decentralized, trustless layers.

We need to be human now more than ever - Please understand what I mean by this!

The US has little credibility left, and even now they are subverting one of their greatest chances of victory - crypto. But it will all be okay, if we build it that way.

I am making progress on Part 2 and have an outline for Part 3 of our dive into the Regenerative Agriculture Framework for our solutions. Know that there are people around the world working on this and you can start by watching all the youtube videos in Part 1 if you need convincing of this.

Like it or not, this is now 'civilizational'.

China wrote a note, so what?

I firmly believe in the power of words, but in a legalistic culture such as China's, this very complete and careful airing of grievances is not casual. And it does not miss the mark.

The West, led by the US does not care about World Ending War because they are convinced there are too many people.

Plant a garden. Get to know your neighbors.

Freedom and Friendship

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