Beautifully Random Foliage

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures that I took last fall, but have absolutely no clue where these pictures were taken hahaha.


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Beautifully Random Foliage

I'm normally pretty good about remembering where I've gone and the pictures that I've taken. The little man and I don't go on extravagant adventures to far off lands, we tend to stick pretty local within an hour or more to where we live. This means that there are quite a few places around which is really nice, however sometimes we go somewhere and end up getting some beautiful pictures. This is the case, except I have NO clue where the hell these pictures were taken hahaha.


I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out where we were standing when these were taken. These might be something as simple as just a walk through our neighborhood which is very likely, but I just don't recognize the small section of trees that I've got here. The foliage looks absolutely beautiful though! It's taken at the golden hour that's for sure, when the sun and trees are at their most stunning so that was really cool.

I love being able to take these types of walks with my son though, because we get exercise but also I can help him appreciate the beauty that's nature which is really important. With the focus of computers and all that shit in life, we are definitely missing and forgetting a lot of why we are here, not to work and become slaves to the system but to appreciate people, the beauty around us and nature.


Apparently I enjoyed the beauty so much that I don't remember where the heck I was standing hahaha. We have a few places that this could be, one of them is a local spot that's got quite remarkable vistas of the trees and area. That spot has some pretty steep hills downward though, and this spot here is fairly flat it looks like. I think that's one of the great and interesting things about where we are living right now - and most likely so many places around the world! There is beauty to be had around almost every corner, it just takes the right circumstances and mindset to stop and appreciate it.


Yeah it would be great to be in a luxury island resort or something soaking up the sun, drinking things out of a pineapple or something but the important thing that we have to remember is that even though we are a global species right now, with more connected features than ever before, we still need to take a step back and learn to appreciate what is local to us. It's not always as easy as that when we are in the heat of the moment but life is truly beautiful around us! I think it would be great to go to some ancient forest in Europe or something, truly. However I don't have the option right now but I can drive 45 minutes from where I'm at right now and see some beautiful mountains and vistas of their own and I think that's an important thing to remember!

The trees and colors here are wonderful for sure, it's just important to remind ourselves that we have lots around us that is cause for wonder!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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