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Adult Requirements

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how we have to do some things as an adult, even though we would rather not.


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Adult Requirements

Being a kid is a wonderful thing. There are a far less worries and things to do and all that. I remember being a kid and thinking getting to grow up and be an adult was going to be really fun and awesome. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things about being an adult that are amazing, but there are also a number of things that are tedious and fairly annoying lol.


I think one of my biggest pet peeves as an adult is not having enough time in a day to do the various things that I want to do, combined with the things that I have to do.

I am lucky enough to currently work in a job and career that I really enjoy, it provides me quite a bit of enjoyment. That consumes most of my time, as it does for many working adults in the world, and I wouldn't necessarily change that. What I would change is working an hour or two less per day, so that I have more time in my day to do other things like spend time with my wife and son. I am incredibly fortunate enough to currently be working primarily from home, which has it's challenges but also the great added benefit that I get to spend far more time home helping out than I would if I were still commuting back and forth from an office every day.

One of the biggest challenges is that I have a lot of house chores to do on a daily basis, as again most adults do. I primarily do the cleaning like vacuuming, laundry, toilets and things of that nature. I don't mind doing them and even have found a way to rather enjoy them, as it allows me to get 30 minutes or more of listening to a podcast, zoning out and getting the thing done. In a way, multitasking! When the subconscious brain takes over during a cleaning task, it allows the conscious brain to focus on the other stuff which in my case is the podcast.


The challenge with that though is that the time during the day I would be spending doing that cleaning, I am doing the far more important job of being a father and a husband. I spend the time with my wife and son while they are awake so that we get some good family time every day. Pretty much every day after they go to bed, I get to work on other things in the household chores.

I think that doing these things at varying levels on a daily basis seems to give me a decent sense of purpose, in a strange way. Yeah I wish there were a little bit more time in a day for other things but time management is one of the most important things we can learn as an adult. Getting some enjoyment mentally out of a podcast while I am doing something not as enjoyable as cleaning the toilets and shower, is a way to make lemonade out of lemons. I think after writing this post, I ended up realizing that the daily tasks may seem tedious, but it's all about your perspective. I instinctively just pop in the headphones, flip to an episode I haven't listened to yet and just get to work. It's really not bad after all, I think!


What about you, do you have things you do most days that you may think you find tedious, but might just need to look at it in a different light? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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