Ancient Libraries

Though they are taken for granted as a feature of every city and town today, libraries were once not so common. In ancient times, Libraries served as cultural touchstones and the repositories of all knowledge.

For a city to have a library was marked as a great achievement, and often would make that city a site to which intellectuals would flock from all over the ancient world. Some of these libraries, distance in time though they now are, were so immense and famous as to still be well-known today.

When one thinks of ancient libraries, one thinks of Greece, Egypt, and Rome the great libraries have existed the world over throughout the centuries. Fire, War and time destroyed most of the world's ancient libraries, and with the volumes of Irreplaceable knowledge.

Earliest Civilization
Libraries have existed since the time of the earliest civilization, they have belonged to private individuals, to towns and cities, to businesses and to colleges and universities. Their purpose has always gone beyond the storage of books, Scrolls, or tablets. In ancient times, it was difficult to make multiple copies of writings. Libraries acted to protect written knowledge.

Ancient libraries also did what they continue to do today: they organized information so that it could be accessed long into the future and served as a place where people could meet and exchange ideas. Like today's libraries, they also provided the service and expertise of the Librarians, who helped organize and access information.

When people think of great libraries, they often think of ancient Egypt, Greece, or even Rome. Some of the best were found in other places throughout the world.

Now imagine yourself standing in one of these great ancient libraries, what would be the first thing you would look for?

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