Nap Time Home Improvements

My youngest is nearing two, full of spunk and adventure, deficient in self preservation skills. So getting things done with two arms and no tiny helper is always challenge. She's always been a contact napper, so most days I'm fully nap trapped. However, we have been pretty busy and she's been sleeping deeper for nap.
So today my oldest B whom is 4 got to spend some quality time on one of my recent home improvement projects; repainting the deck.


Certainly not glamorous or exciting, but necessary. It took me a few trips to home depot with the little ones to figure out what paint to buy. Well paint I knew how to choose, deck not so much, textured?. Not? Can it be tinted?
Yes it can be tinted with any paint swatch you choose or you could bring a sample of what's already there.
I'm on day 4 of actually working on this small porch and am fairly close to being done. Yay!
Had to remove everything off it. Clean. Scrap the peeling paint off and then sand. And then just slowly working on it as time allows. We have had SO much rain lately and that's certainly not helping.

One tip I recently learned was to not waste your time cleaning out your paint holder with latex. Just let it dry and then it peels right off. No wasted sink just washing and washing to get it all off.

While working on projects I also rinse paint brush some, and then place in container with water. Saves a lot of time

I will have to update everyone on my fabulous paint job when we ever finish. Hopefully before snow season!

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