Are you a Minecraft fan? My son is;) He liked this game about a year ago, and since that time he reads books about this game, buys magazines, play it using his tablet and now.... he has his table Minecraft game!

He was happy to see it in online market, and to tell you the truth me too, because I make limits for using the tablet (not more than 1 hour per day).

But the table family game doesn't have these time limits. It's a great way to spend evening time together and don't worry about online games influence.
And it's his favourite Minecraft - Combo;)

The only minus was its price - as for me it's too much for a table game, but the idea and the brand requires money...
It's price was about 40$, and it was in Top of the most expensive games in the market.
But Ok, he had his own money and he spent it how how he liked.

I didn't expect much from this game, though it had good feedbacks. But it is really GOOD!
It is not just fun, but a game the makes you think, create strategies and count well.

I like he spent his money on really a good game that will develop his logics and bring much fun as well.

Minecraft as a table game is really a cool variant to stay away from gadgets.

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