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The Dungeon Master's playground | If money wasn't an issue...


Hello Toys on Hive! I must admit I had never noticed your community before the OCD Community Boost Contest #2: Highlighting Toys on Hive was announced. I'm glad I did because toys are quite awesome! Toys are meant to spread and create joy, fun and happiness and I like things like that.

The topic of the day is "If money is not an issue, what types of toys would you buy?"

Where do I even begin with this? The shopping frenzy I would go on if money wasn't an issue can't be described in a sizable post that people would take the time to read. I'll have to limit myself in this one, a thing that's proven to be a difficult task for me.

The Dungeon Master's Playground

I wouldn't just buy one toy if money wasn't an issue. I would have built my very own playground! A playground, or more like a dungeon, where I can invite my friends over to play Dungeons & Dragons in. It would contain everything one might need to play the perfect game of D&D. Let's go over it in detail.

If you don't know about D&D you can check out some of my earlier posts. This one is the latest one and contains links to the earlier ones.

The space

The room itself would need to be of a decent size. It would need to fit a table large enough for up to eigth people. It would need space for bookshelves. There's gonna be a lot of books. It would need even more shelves for all the miniature models I plan to buy. Ideally it would also need to fit a fridge and there should be enough free space to comfortably move around.

The room would be themed after a kind of bar or tavern that you would find in a fantasy setting. It would be of brown timber, with trophies and tapestries on the walls. A great chandelier in the middle.


The furniture

The furniture would have to match the room. The centerpiece would be a large wooden table. It would feature a designated spot for each player around the table. Eight in all. Each spot would feature a drink holder, a dice tray and enough room for notes and character sheets. The Dungeon Masters (DM) spot would be bigger and glorified of course, complete with a DMs screen. The playable area in the middle of the table would be lowered and inlaid with a TV to display maps and pictures on. I would of course have it custom made.

The DM would have a throne while the chairs around the table would be less glorious but still fit into the fantasy setting. Everything would be perfectly fashioned with cushions for maximum comfort. We're gonna be sitting in these chairs for hours on end.

The bookshelves would be something ornate to go with the theme. The fridge would somehow be masked and camouflaged as to not look anything like a fridge.


Books and miniatures

As of right now D&D 5th Edition has officially released 28 books and there's more in the works. I would need all of these. I already have eight of them. I would also be lining up the shelves with collectors books and alternate cover versions of the ones that exists. I see no reason why I wouldn't get books from earlier editions as well as a supplement.

The shelves would be lined with miniatures that would be used for play. Thousands of them. As of right now the 5th edition of D&D has somewhere in the realm of 1300 officially released monsters and creatures. I want all of them. Miniatures already exist for some but the rest I would have to get custom made. One of each wouldn't be enough. There's never only one Goblin.

I would also need to get miniatures for a sizable amount of NPCs. Additionally, at least one for each combination of race, class and subclass. All of these, including the monsters, need to be painted as well. Since money isn't an issue that shouldn't be a problem. I would choose to paint some of them myself though.

Sly Flourish

Flavor items

The playground would feature a lot of flavor. I already mentioned trophies and tapestries on the walls. I would get swords and axes as well. Skulls and dusty tomes. Paintings of fantasy landscapes and cities, like Waterdeep and other knows areas of the Sword Coast. Castle Ravenloft would have to be featured alongside Strahd von Zarovich.

I would have a hall of fame for custom made portraits and group paintings of the party members. Of course there would be a honorary spot for the DM as well. Lastly there would have to be a Wall of the Dead for the characters unfortunate to lose their lives on their adventures. All of the paintings would be complete with plaques underneath for proper description.


So there we have it. My own personal playground that I've been planning in my head for years. I would spend so much time in this room. One day I will have a room like this, although in a wee bit lesser scale. It'll probably have to be combined with a gaming room containing consoles and my PC as well but it's far better than having nothing.

I hope that in the future I can make my own custom table to play D&D on as well. That would be an achievement. I just need to perfect my woodworking skills and get a workshop.

Looking forward to seeing all of the entries into the contest!

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