My Pokemon 25th Anniversary Collection


Though the pokemon anniversary was last year, the hype still lasts to february 2022. The first time I spotted a Pokemon anniversary collection was when I purchased some milk at the convenience store. Apparently, Indomaret, an Indonesian mini market chain is partnering with AKG games to launch pokemon merchandise and also the cards. At first, I didn’t buy the packs but I saw people started talking about it. Then, I went to another store about a few days after I first spotted the anniversary packs. I got way too excited when I spotted the pouch and the keychains. There were pikachu, bulbasaur, charmander and others.


I ended up getting the pikachu coin pouch and bulbasaur keychain.


When I bought the anniversary pack, apparently, I got some other extra cards. The cashier was confused which card I got for free because she doesn’t know Pokemon and it seems that not a lot of people buy the packs in that store. It took me almost 30 minutes just to finalize the purchase because the cashier took the time to choose the free packs for me. Not only the 25th anniversary pack, I also got the booster pack series. The coolest thing I got was lunala.


I was hoping to get a pikachu in the collection but alas, nothing. Apparently, there’s mugs too but I just couldn’t find them at the store. Did you buy any 25th anniversary packs?


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