Monsters, Murderers, & Masked Heroes

I looooooove me some action figures. So I’m always pumped when some rando walks into the shop to offload some collectibles due to the fact that they are moving. Now before I tell ya what I paid for the lot, I want to preface it by saying we have a tremendous inventory at our shop Conquest Comics. This allows us to be a bit choosier when we purchase collections. Especially if it’s primarily things that we are already stocked up well on.

Ok. So with that being said, this is what walked in today.


Sitting here in a dirty bin, it’s not that impressive. But when looked at closer, you’ll notice a smattering of sealed action figures from assorted lines. These figures will sell on average from $25 to $50 bucks a pop. But the real treasure was what lies beneath...


To the untrained eye it probably looks like a pile of junk, but all I see are $$$$$$! Loose figures are worth their weight in gold. Especially if it’s coveted shit! This collection has a nice mixture of some popular superheroes from Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics, DC Collectibles, and NECA.


Wolverine.Anti-Venom.Star Wars. Batman. Jason Voorhees. Aliens. Predator. Terminator. DBZ. These will ALL sell in our loose figure bin. I actually started pricing some of them up already and figures like Hobgoblin is about $40 bucks loose. There’s a Batman Justice League Animated figure that we are putting for $50. Lots sprinkled in the $10-$25 range. Loose!!!

Then there’s the Godzilla pieces. A couple of the larger ones are from X-Plus and sell brand new for several hundred a pop. I haven’t had a chance to really delve into those yet but it’s safe to say that they will be scooped up quickly.


The reason I know that is as I was typing this from home on my break, my business partner sent me this text saying 2 of the smaller NECA Godzilla figures and a Star Wars Black series figure to a regular for $50 beans.


Not too shabby considering that what I paid for the entire bin! I told the gentleman who was selling to throw me a price. He said he was moving and just needed it out of the way. Wanted $50 bucks and who am I to disappoint?!?


In time, we will easily turn this random bin of “junk” that we purchase for $50 beans into well over a grand...possibly way more depending on what those larger Godzilla’s are commanding. Me likey.



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