My Son's Simple Toys, a Story of a Missing Toy Car. If money is not an issue, I Would Buy...


Greetings Toys on Hive!

When it comes to toys, we, boys, have a common interest, toy cars. When I was young it is my dream to have an expensive toy car. But I was not able to have it because of the state of our living when I was young. Now that I am an adult and capable of buying toy cars I would buy toy cars not for me but for my toddler son.

And every time that I see a toy car and if I am interested in it I buy it for my toddler son. As for me, I still want to buy toy cars but my dream toy car has been upgraded from a mere toy car to a "Toys for the Big Boys".

My Son's Passion for Toy Cars and Photography

Before my toddler son ever has a toy car we would let him watch videos of nursery rhymes and animated videos for toddlers like the popular "Tayo Bus". Actually, at first, it doesn't cross my mind to ever buy toy cars for my son. It is my wife that is very diligent in finding toy cars online.

When my son started to play with toy cars and can speak gibberish he would ask me to take pictures of his toy cars. That's also the time when I noticed that he has a passion for photography (aside from asking me to take pictures of his toy cars he would randomly ask me to take photos of him).

My son playing with his Tayo Bus toy cars by the door


A Story of a Missing Toy Car

I am a fan of animated movies and one of my favorites is the Cars movie featuring Lightning McQueen. It was in the year 2017 when part three of the movie was released. I would watch it many times on our TV, on my laptop, and even on my mobile phones. My toddler son was only 1 year old at that time.

Come 2019, I would let my son watch Cars movie on our TV (he is now a day before his third birthday). My wife ordered a pair of diecast Lightning McQueen toy cars on an online shopping store.

When it arrived it became his favorite toy at that time. He would play them almost every day. He would also bring them if we ever go to the market or go to shopping malls.

One day he was playing outside with his toy Lightning McQueen when he spotted his mommy going out, he ran towards his mommy then go with her to the market (he forgot his toy car outside).

As a dad, it is my duty to keep safe his toys, but I was also doing something that day, so I took his toy Lightning McQueen toy car and put it somewhere (if I remember it right I was watering our plants at that time).

A few minutes later they arrived. He immediately asks me where his toy car is (in a toddler gibberish speech of course).

As it turns out, I forgot where did I put his toy car.

He keeps on bugging me, and keeps on saying, car, car, car, carrrrrrrrr.....!

I searched inside our house, but I can't find it. I tried to search outside and voila, I found it. As it turned out I put it on top of the water meter while I was watering the plants.

A pair of diecast Lightning McQueen toy cars

Here is where I found his missing lightning McQueen toy car


A Toddler's Love for His Toys

Before the pandemic, I would bring my family out to dinner (for family bonding). I noticed that most of the time my toddler son would usually bring his toy cars.

One example is when we have our family dinner in Tokyo Tokyo he brought with him his Tayo Bus toys cars. The downside of him bringing his toy car to dinner is he keeps on playing with them making him hard to feed. He then usually end up not able to eat because of him playing.

His Tayo Bus at our Tokyo Tokyo dinner

My Son's Peculiar Way of Playing with His Toy Car

Here's something that I found hilarious (at least for me). There's one time that my son is playing with his toy car. Instead of playing normally, he is playing with his toy car while lying on his belly. So, I grabbed my mobile phone and took photos of him while playing with his toy car.

My son's peculiar way of playing with his Lightning McQueen Toy Car


Toy Cars That Makes my Toddler Son Laughing and I am Loving It

The next toys that I am going to talk about are some of the cutest toys that my son has. They are cute because they are so small (about 1 inch in width and 2 inches in length). These are inertia toy cars that can go forward (if you wind it forward).

These little toy cars once make my son laugh beautifully (and I am loving because his laugh is so toddler). Imagine a parent hearing his toddler son laughing in his most beautiful toddler laugh (music to our ears as parents).

These little cars make my son laugh because instead of going forward when he winds them forward, they run in a circle.

Little white cars

Little white cars

My Son's Current Favorite Toy

Would you believe that the current favorite of my son is a miniature windmill? (photo below). When I bought this miniature windmill during our visit to Bangui, Ilocos Norte it was intended for display. I didn't expect that it would be my son's favorite toy as of now.

He may have remembered our visit to Bangui Windmills that is why this miniature windmill became his favorite toy. He would watch videos of windmills on the internet and then spin the blades of the miniature with his fingers.


If money is not an issue, what types of toys would you buy?

Just like a said earlier in this post I still want to buy toys, but the toy car that I want has been upgraded to "Toys for the Big Boys". And that is one of my dreams, to buy my own car. Another toy that I want to buy if money is not an issue would be a drone.

I would use the car for family travel purposes and I would use my drone for my blogging.

I am an I.T. professional (Computer Engineer) working in a private company, a blogger, a father, and a husband.

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