Japanese real estate behemoth will start implementing blockchain technology


Sekisui, a large Japanese real-estate developer, is building a blockchain-powered platform to increase ease-of-use and transparency for its renters.

The platform will be using blockchain technology for rental housing contracts, also including additionals like electricity and gas.

Other functions include signing the contract and paying the monthly bills.

The platform also includes an app in which multiple services are controlled from one place. By using a single digital identity utility, insurance, and payments can be completed in a one-stop-shopping experience.

Some of Sekisui's rental properties will go as far as enabling tenants to simply sign in with their smartphone, accept and sign the contract without having to see a real estate agent.

Japanese source: https://www.sekisuihouse.co.jp/company/topics/datail/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2020/06/08/20200608.pdf)

If you're interested in reading more about how blockchain can transform the real-estate sector feel free to read our article on the subject.

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