RE: A Ritzy Wedding and Reception

Will we be blessed with wealth like this someday? That's in the hands of the Most High.

We will be all rich in the Heaven. In love and in peace.

What do you think? If you are a God-fearer, would vast wealth increase faith or challenge faith?

Nor vast wealth, neither deep poverty cannot challenge the faith of a true believer. But when I see and experience huge sufferings and huge pain, I often ask "where is God?". If God is so loving, then God certainly would stop these things. Some people say there is a greater good in all of this.

But what/where is the greater good in anyone's suffering, including the animals? The whole nature is built on suffering. Animals eating each other alive. Often surplus killing. People also kill each other. And since millions of years. Many living being suffer from indescribable suffering. What good is in all of this.

If anything, then the things behind these questions can challenge people's faith. And for a reason.

What kind of "loving God" watch his/her creations suffer for millions of years? If we think about this, then anyone could think that God abandoned us.

Even Jesus Christ asked "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" in his intensified sufferings.

There are some questions, which only God can answer.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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