Fear The Enemy Of Success

Do you know fear is more detrimental to success than failure?.


Fear is what hinders our success, it never allow us to try and only tends to bring us backward. The fear of the unknown has really hunted many people, we never want to try because we are afraid of failure.

No man has achieved any good with fear. This disease called fear always slow our progress down, we cannot try things new, we are afraid of being rejected. Fear breeds failure, but the difference between failure and fear is that failure still brings you close to success why fear keep pushing you back and far away from success.

No man can ever make it if he still have the spirit if fear in life, if you are living in fear I'm sorry you're in a big trouble, you must try as much as possible to overcome it, don't allow fear to cover your potential, fight against fear now.

It's been a while I posted, decided to drop this here.

Thank you friends for your time.

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