Baking Dreams: A Recipe for Growing Your Social Media Account

Hi everyone it's the Business Guy here again with another business blog.

Well this may not look exactly like a business blog since it's a story and it's about social media. But come to think of it, social media qnd business goes hand in hand these days.


Most businesses are taking their advertisements from TV to social platforms because let's face it, that's where the customers really are.

Almost everyone is active online. So getting successful with your social media account is very necessary to help you promote any business you establish.

Instead of just sharing the points like I normally do, I decided to spice things up a little and share the points through an interesting story.

In the past, there was a young girl known as Lily who loved nothing more than sharing her enthusiasm of baking with others.

She wished that she would become a famous baker selling her tasty cakes to people in different places all over the world. After sometime, lily decided to start a social media account for her baking adventures.

Lily knew well that developing such an account would require time and efforts hence started off with a plan. First, she chose a snappy username that depicted her passion for baking.

She took “Lily’s Sweet Treats” because it was easy to remember and explained everything about this page.

Then again, Lily concentrated on coming up with top-notch material. Consequently, she captured beautiful images of her tasty bakery products alongside writing lengthy headings telling stories behind each recipe.

Moreover, she made sure to post regularly at least three times a week in order to keep followers entertained and interested throughout the journey.

Lily only realized how important it was to interact with her followers when she began gaining followings. She promptly replied comments and messages thereby showing her followers that she cared about what they thought.

In addition, Lily sought the help of other bakers and food bloggers so as to reach a larger audience which in turn increased her follower count.

However, growing a social media account meant more than just sharing attractive pictures. Soon after, Lily found out that hashtags were important tools for enhancing her visibility.

She researched hashtags associated with baking that are commonly used and put them in strategic locations within her posts. This made it possible for her to target people who love baking and want new accounts to follow.

Her account continued building up while Lily remained loyal to herself and to baking. She did not just write about the victories but also talked about the times she messed up while trying hard to bake something nice.

It was also crucial that she listened carefully whenever her followers made criticisms on what she had posted online regarding baking then adjusted accordingly by continuously improving and adding value for their readership too.

Lily's social media account has thrived through hard work, commitment, and ingenuity; gaining a huge following, she set up a network of like-minded baking enthusiasts who backed her all the way.

However, although she wanted to be a famous baker one day, she realized that this was something even more valuable than that –an avenue for sharing her passion with the whole world and making new friends among those who also loved baking.

Ultimately, it was only by going through such experiences as these that Lily came to understand that growing a social media account is not just about numbers or fame but also about being real, caring deeply about what you do and relating to others in meaningful ways.

Therefore, as Lily continued with her love for cooking adventures she appreciated the most successful part of them was when she could spread happiness by sharing it.

That's the power and impact of social media. I hope business guys and girls take advantage if it more and more because it's a relatively easier way to promote a product or service.

Don't ask me, ask Lily 😂

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