Birthday celebration in batuphat village

Still in the atmosphere of Maulidurrasul or the month of the birth of our great prophet Muhammad SAW. As usual, we as Acehnese generally always celebrate it in various forms, one of which is remembrance with some special remembrance which is only performed during this month of Mawlid.

this time my village and I received an invitation to Maulid in the village of Batuphat Timur, here we are competing to remembrance who is the most lively and has the biggest voice to beat our opponents from the village of Blangpulo, this way there is additional motivation to always pray loudly and loudly so that our opponents also follow the same.

Like last year's Maulid month, we are always invited to this village to celebrate Maulid together with a happy heart, besides that, Acehnese people generally make feasts to be distributed to people who do dhikr and orphans and orphans, and we eat this feast. together on location.

that's my story today about the celebration of the prophet's birthday in the province of aceh, I hope you like it.

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