Seeing beyond our challenges

Hello everyone,
Happy Sunday everyone, it feels so good to be here.

Most of the time we tend to shy away or make our challenges look bigger, rather than being bigger than the challenges, and instead of finding the possible solutions to it. There are no difficulties we are faced with that is beyond our capabilities or control, we only need to look at the positive aspect of it, rather than focusing on the negative effects of it, because learning to deal with them is healthy and beings about a productive results and personal growth attached with peace of mind.

Different people have different strategies in eliminating difficult challenges, although most of the times when faced with such we tend to overthink, cry, work ourselves out which will drain our strengths, etc. Those are not the possible solution to it, but being positive and working with a positive mindset will go a long way as said earlier. Overthinking has been found to interfere with our ability to solve problems, drain our motivation and worsen the feelings of sadness in us. When problems arise in our lives, it is natural to focus inward as a way to try to find solutions to relieve the discomfort and unhappiness the problems brings. However, the more we mull over the problem or situation, the more unhappier and stressed we feel, and with that we likely will not have a solution for it.

When challenges arise, we shouldn't give up so easily rather persistence will be the key to overcoming it. Giving up means that we will neither overcome the challenge nor learn from it. We all have our low points, most often we tend to handle or even hide it from others, by masking our feelings, that is not the solution but rather hiding our feelings trapped our energy and it becomes another negative trait to our health. We have to take some time to feel what we feel, this could come in the form of meditation or any other means, but the sincere truth is that whatever we are going through there are others who have been through it and come out stronger, although we all have our own preferences on how to face or handle challenges in life. Some of us tend to magnify the challenges, while others see it the opposite way we have to understand that regardless of our fame, fortune, or abilities, life is filled with difficulties, and we get to choose how we react to those difficulties though.

It can be easy to let ourselves think small because of the fear of failure, or even the fear of making a decision, but to accomplish great things in life, we have to be open to taking risks, whenever challenges arise, we ought to always think and dream big, with that we will achieve more than we could have ever imagined. While we don’t know what is going to happen in the future, we can always plan ahead, look at the patterns of our life and see what challenges we’ve struggled with, find and assess the optimal outcomes and make a plan out of it, find a possible way for achieving our goals. For what we think becomes our reality, we ought to always train our mind to think positively, this will take both our time and practice as well as training us to be mentally aware. We can practice awareness through mindfulness techniques and meditation when we get good at acknowledging our thoughts and letting them pass, we can stop negative thoughts in their tracks, with that we can overcome most of those difficult moments.

Being faced with difficulties brings a bond of unhappiness sadness, confusion etc, rather than concentrating on these things, we should open up ourselves to learn from those times, that is when we tend to break out of that bond. True freedom comes in learning to replace obsessive, negative thoughts with either neutral or positive thoughts, we should remember that hard things in our life do not determine our identity and our strengths. Identifying these strengths and using them in appropriate situations can help us to feel good about ourselves.

There is no challenges thrown at us that we can't overcome it, only when we apply positivity, faith and work, we can come out stronger and better.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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