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How God Came Through For Me Today


God came through for me today, I started today in a good ground but temptation came in when I least expect it, I woke up today did my normal morning routine then I bath and rush out other house most for the morning I don't eat I will just go the shop and sort it out and today I ran out of gas so I just bath, brush and leave for work.

When I get the shop, I clean up and arrange my stocks, I waited for my colleague to come not quite long she came and I ask her to help me transferred 100 naira card some I use it to buy data and she mistakenly sent 10 thousand naira recharge card, I wanted to buy data and I check my balance since I didn't get a notification that the airtime she sent has dropped, so I checked my balance and I saw 6678 naira and I was confused I asked her how much airtime did you sent, she said 100 naira I told her please check the machine to confirmed lol and behold she sent 10 thousand recharge.

Why the airtime reduce to that 6678 is because I was owing Airtel about 3000 something and when the money entered they clear their debt and I was left with the balance, I was so confused and I didn't even know what to do at that moment I sort for advice but I didn't get a positive response and the insult I get on top what happened. But I didn't give up and the girl in question claimed that the airtime didn't enter her phone so I will have to pay and I wasn't even saying I won't paid what pains me was that she didn't accept that the fault came from her.

We were arguing about it when a customer came in and he asked what happened and narrated it to the guy and he said I should download an app and sale the it out like airtime and he even bought 500 airtime from me, and another person came I sold it and I was able to sale about 2000 airtime put of the 6000 something when our boss we told her and she was not happy about and she was asking what if it was an outsider?

Our boss bought the rest from us and I had to call my brother me to send me 2000 and he did and I clear the debate, I was so scared and I was thinking where and how I was going to paid 10000 but God came through for me and that my colleague paid 2000 which I will refund it to her when I have. And had alot of sales today, I made three deliveries today .

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