Let's Maintain the Noble Values of Human Civilization

Everything runs dynamically with time continuing to spin. The increasingly advanced science and technology makes human civilization more advanced and modern. But will advances in science and technology increase the peace and comfort of human life? Is advanced technology able to maintain moral values?

Source image : https://images.app.goo.gl/BcZgANRgVU2LzRGB9

There are many stories from people who now live longer than me and they say that the peace and comfort of life in the past was more peaceful and comfortable. The simplicity of the old society reflected an attitude of togetherness and cooperation. They even say that advances in science, especially mechanical technology, have made the sense of togetherness, calm and comfort in life increasingly fading.

From the statements of the people in the story above, I cannot draw any conclusions even though what they say is true. And what I can say is, let us enjoy the progress of science and technology while maintaining noble human values in our relationships, so that peace and comfort in living together are maintained amidst technological progress.

As the figure of Greek national world history, Herodotus, said, history does not move forward with a definite goal, but rather moves like a spiral whose ups and downs are replaced by the human condition.

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