Grades/Results in School are not the Main Reflection of your Intelligence in Life.

Our views about life after school are sometimes wrong. There is a need to reprogram our minds after we graduate from school so that we don't feel the bad/good degree or results we get is the true reflection of our intelligence.


The truth be told, out grades in school are not the true reflection of our intelligence in life, those exams are just the test of your ability to memorize and replicate. If you decide to accept the grades in school as your true reality, then you are not doing yourself any good.

Look at the most successful people in life, some of them did not do well in school but they never saw that as their reality in life. When you finally accept the lie about your exam results reflecting your true intelligence, then it will be very hard to perform in life above that your performance in school. When you fail school, you just accept it is how you will fail in every other areas of life . When you fail in a business studies course, you already accepted that you will fail when you start up a business in life.

The aim here is to reprogram your mindset, don't think your grades in school is what determines what you will be in life, that is a big fat lie.

Restructure your mind today. Your life is far above just depending on your exam scores in school.


Greetings from @dovishbillions

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