Update on Cent's Reward Pool

Hello again. The volatility rate in the cryptocurrency market has increased. Usually after volatility and high trading volume comes the trend start. There has also been a lot of volatility in the Hive price lately. For now, there is a price action in the range of $0.8-1.
We announced a while ago that we've increased the minute coin supply in Cent's prize pool to 5. Those who bet and voted for Cent in the past earned +100% APR. We've reduced the minute coin supply in the prize pool to 3. Because of this, Cent earnings may drop slightly on your voting transactions. We are trying to keep profit rates high. However, we should also attach great importance to price stability.

As you know, CENT Token targets a price of $0.01. There will be no problem in making fluctuations close to the said target. In order not to stray too far from the target price, use the prize pool, liquidity provider rewards, etc. necessary adjustment should be made. We will continue to make changes. See you in new posts. Stay tuned.

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